GoTEN Donate
Support The Mission

Your gift furthers our growth among unreached people by supporting our ministry center in Phoenix, recruitment of staff, training of missionaries, and caring for long-term workers as well as other daily operating costs.

Donate Staff
Support Staff Ministry Accounts

GoTEN is a faith-based mission, with most of its personnel relying on the Lord for their daily life and ministry needs.

GoTEN is a Section 501 (c)(3) organization. All gifts to GoTEN are tax-deductible as allowed by law. While we will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, GoTEN has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

AZ Tax Credit
AZ Charitable Tax Credit

GoTEN is a Qualfying Charitable Organization with the State of Arizona. Get your state tax credit by donating before April 15, 2024.

Stewarding God's Resources

We seek to build trust with donors who partner with us financially without whom we could not do the direct work of the ministry. We know that donors are stewards before God of resources entrusted to them, and they need confidence in organizations with which they partner.

If you would like to mail a donation to GoTEN, please send your check to GoTEN, Inc - PO Box 36343 Phoenix, AZ 85067.