

Discovery Day

A one-day event hosted by GoTEN to help you discover the unreached among us

Discovery Day is an experience to help you learn more about legally resettled refugees in Arizona and how you can help them take next steps in acclimating to America. You will learn the facts, meet a refugee, serve, and experience a ministry among refugees here in Phoenix. Lunch at an Arabic market is included in the cost.

Discovery Day is hosted by GoTEN staff members and located at the GoTEN Training Center. The cost of $20 per person includes snacks, coffee, and lunch.

We will prepare welcome kits for refugees during this event. If you would like to help provide Welcome Kits for refugees prior to Discovery Day, download the instructions here.

Additional details will be sent via email upon registration. If you are registering more than one person, a unique email is required for each participant.

Event Registration


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