

Islands Trip

Reaching Isolated and Unreached People

The Islands are a small nation in the Indian Ocean. They are isolated, but not forgotten.

In this nation that is 99.9% Muslim, there is no church.

God did not call us to take the comfortable route and share Christ only with those who are near and reachable. He has called us to move out of our comfort zones and cross barriers.

On this trip we will:
- learn about the needs in this country and how to engage in prayer for the people
- meet and engage with friendly islanders and share stories as appropriate
- explore with God what He is doing in the region and world, and what role He has for you

GoTEN is eager to mobilize new long-term workers to the region. This trip will help you better understand the needs and opportunities to live overseas as a long-term worker.

The cost of the trip is $3000 (includes airfare.) To register for the trip, a $100 deposit is required.


Matching Funds Opportunity

Thanks to a generous donor, the next 100 people who become monthly donors will trigger an additional $100 in matching funds per donor! This means if you give as little as $10 per month, GoTEN will receive $100 extra to further its work with refugees. Together, we can unlock up to $10,000 in matching funds!

Become a Monthly Donor