Global Worker
As a worker in South Asia, you will join a team with a vision to engage an unreached people group. You will live in a local community, learn culture and language, and you will build relationships with the local people as a neighbor and friend, sharing Jesus stories and facilitating a disciple-making movement among them.
Team: Asia Team
Location: Asia
Fundraising Required: Yes
Details: Full-Time Fundraised
Reaching unreached peoples is a crucial task. As a worker in South Asia, you will join a team with a vision to engage an unreached people group. You will live in a local community, learn culture and language, and you will build relationships with the local people as a neighbor and friend, sharing Jesus stories and facilitating a disciple-making movement among them. As a member of a team, you will have a passion for living cross-culturally while meeting people’s physical and spiritual needs. You will need a heart for ministry, a desire to work with a team of others, a learning and flexible attitude, and a vision of seeing churches started among UPG communities.
If this sounds like you, and you would like to know more details regarding preparation, expectations, fundraising options, and what a typical day is like, please fill out the form below to submit your contact information so we can reach out to you and talk more.