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The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers into the harvest field.

After Jesus appointed 72 disciples, he sent them two by two to every town where he would soon visit. Before he sent them out, he told them, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers into the harvest field." Jesus gave them specific instructions on where to go, what to do and what to say. His followers did as He told them and they returned to him with a great report. This story is found in Luke 10. Verse 2 is the specific instruction of asking the Lord to send more workers.

Would you join me in setting your phone alarm to 10:02 am? When it chimes, join our team in asking the Lord to send more workers to the harvest field. The following prayers can help you follow Jesus's command to pray for workers. You can use these prayers to ask God to raise a generation of laborers who will Go To Every Nation and make disciples.

  • Father, I ask that You will raise up believers who have a heart to take the Church where it does not exist. I ask You to call and equip believers who have the skills and determination to start godly, growing churches (Acts 13:1-3, 26-28).
  • Lord, I ask You to raise up leaders who can preach the gospel powerfully and clearly among unreached peoples. Mold and shape leaders who can communicate the gospel to all the cultures of the world (Acts 6:10).
  • God, I pray that You will raise up believers with the gift of teaching. I plead that they will be sent into all the nations to teach believers the Word of God and how to put into practice its teachings (Ezra 7:10).
  • I ask You, the Lord of the harvest, to raise up believers who will have a burden to translate the Bible into the languages of the peoples of the world. Call and equip believers so that the nations can read and hear Your Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
  • Lord God, I plead that You will burden and convict college students about surrendering their lives to Your call to the unreached (Proverbs 3:5-7).
  • I pray that You will:
    • Enable them to have a deep and intimate relationship with Christ;
    • Mold them into powerful witnesses for Jesus Christ;
    • Grant them spouses who have a clear and definite call to missions;
    • Train them through college and seminary for their work on the mission field.
    • Remove anything that would hinder their service for Jesus Christ.
  • Father, I ask that You will convict churches about the unreached and that You will give them a burden for unreached refugees in our nation. I pray that your Bride would take seriously Your Great Commission and recognize the opportunities to love and witness to neighbors who have moved to our nation through immigration (Matthew 28:19-20).
  • Lord, I pray that You would empower Christians in other cultures and nations to develop and send missionaries to their own people in both their native land and around the world (Acts 21:37-22:21).
  • God, You are the Creator and owner of all things. All the money in the world is Yours. I pray that You would cause money to flow into organizations that are obedient to Your Great Commission. Move upon the hearts and the minds of people to give generously, joyously, and sacrificially to the cause of the gospel across the world (Proverbs 21:1).
  • Father, I ask You to raise up churches that will have a burden to pray for the harvesting of the nations. Mold and shape churches so that they will be houses of prayer for the nations. Grant them an unceasing burden to pray for missionaries and the nations of the world. Give them insight and understanding in seeking You for the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

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