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Mobilizing the Local Church

GoTEN prioritizes connecting the church with opportunities to get educated, get locally involved, go, and get to work.

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Open Your Door

Inviting someone into your home and showing hospitality, regardless of who they are, is a sign of mutual respect and care.

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Just Go

Whatever journey you feel called to take, GoTEN can help you get there. If you feel called, just go!

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As followers of Christ, we can use Ramadan as a reminder to pray for our Muslim neighbors and friends.

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Clues at the Front Door

Enjoy these practical tips to help you transition from neighbor to friend as you visit their home and share life together.

Bobby Cox
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Preparing for the Next Refugee Wave

While resettlement presently appears far from hitting peak numbers, “the next wave” is almost inevitable. The time for the Church to prepare is now.

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Three Ways to Pray: Myanmar

Here are three ways we can pray specifically for unreached people groups in Myanmar:

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From Neighbor to Friend to Family: Part 3 of a 3 Part Series

Significant time and investment is necessary, but achieving this level of friendship is truly one of life’s greatest honors.

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A Christmas Story: Jesus, The Refugee Kid

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that the story of Jesus is also a story about refugees, and a reminder that we must stand in solidarity with those who find themselves displaced, vulnerable and oppressed.

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From Neighbor to Friend to Family: Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

Friendship is a bond between two people, commonly developed through shared interests or experiences. Find out how to go from neighbor to friend!

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From Neighbor to Friend to Family: Part 1 of a 3 Part Series

God is very clear about how He desires the people of His kingdom to welcome their neighbors. GoTEN is intentional about creating an environment that is welcoming to newly arrived neighbors and invites you to be part of it!

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Thank You, Cheerful Givers!

GoTEN has so many faithful, cheerful supporters that work in unison to help provide for the organization in its work among unreached people groups. We want to thank Jan and Chuy Martinez for coordinating a fundraising campaign with the congregation at Circle of Peace Church.

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Special Deliveries

These baskets of kitchen supplies and colorful bags of school supplies are a representation of the servant heart of Christ.

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If the World Was a Waffle

What does a waffle have to do with missions? This 4 minute video will make you think about missions every time you eat a waffle.

Bobby Cox
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Announcing GoTEN's Kids Program

The kids’ program is a place where children, like Remy, will be heard, valued and loved.

Katie Arnold
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Three Ways to Pray: Afghanistan

Through our prayers, we can offer hope and comfort to our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan.

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From Refugee to Essential Employee

Students in our sewing classes are working hard to prepare for the day that another full time position opens, and would love to have your help.

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Three Ways to Pray: Sudan

As Christians, we can pray for the people of Sudan in several ways.

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Choose to Prepare

Maintaining resilience, however, and continuing to prepare for the moment might pay dividends when least expected.

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Three Ways to Pray: Rohingya People

As Christians, we can pray for their protection, healing, and restoration, as well as for justice and peace to prevail.

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Jesus Wept

Just as Jesus felt for his friends, made time for them, and shared in their loss, our staff stepped up to do the same for their friend.

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“Where are you, God?”

Each time thoughts and prayers go out, the thought undoubtedly comes back: “where are you, God?”

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Shop Refugee Gaining Notoriety in Phoenix

Fox 10 in Phoenix recently covered Shop Refugee in the video story above.

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Tea: The Drink of Afghan Friendship

It's not just about drinking tea; it's an opportunity to relax and enjoy each other's company.

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Friends Near and Far

Pray that in their joy, they would then share those stories with their family members and friends, near and far.

GoTEN Staff
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Somali People

Consider what it would be like if you lived with circumstances such as Somalis do.

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An Open Letter to Our Encouragers

Through you, they see the love and commitment of a friend, someone who loves and follows Jesus, someone who is invested in their success.

GoTEN Staff
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A Citizen at Last: Mod's Story

GoTEN’s greatest hope for its staff, volunteers and students is that while learning and teaching English, they would be able to develop lasting friendships that grow into experiencing true community together.

GoTEN Staff
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A Seat at the Table

GoTEN offers sewing classes, free of charge, to many of these same women.

GoTEN Staff
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Not Just Another Walk in the Park

On May 21st at Mountain View Park, GoTEN had a unique opportunity to serve some of its refugee students that are currently living in temporary housing at a hotel.

GoTEN Staff
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From Student to Friend

One of a teacher’s greatest challenges is the transition from the student-teacher relationship to the friend-friend relationship. A natural connection makes the difficulties of learning this difficult language much less discouraging.

GoTEN Staff
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A Mile in His Shoes

When many refugees arrive in the United States, they feel as though few people they meet have “walked a mile in their shoes”.

GoTEN Staff
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A Helping Hand That Sparks Community

GoTEN strives to equip people to love their neighbors, helping legally resettled refugees learn English, get jobs and experience Christian community. Sometimes it all starts with “yes, I can help!”

GoTEN Staff
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Thanksgiving in Dallas

In November, the GoTEN Dallas team was able to host a Thanksgiving party for its students, volunteers, and their families at its English classroom.

GoTEN Staff