
Special Deliveries

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Discovery Day and FirstServe at GoTEN are experiences of the mind, heart, and hands. Monthly, we invite Christians from local churches to learn about legally resettled refugees in our city: Why are they here? How did they get here? What do they need? How can we serve them? How can we share Truth with unreached people? After the learning experience, we engage their hearts and hands as we send out participants in small groups to visit a refugee family in their home and deliver a gift of love. Complete strangers are welcomed into homes for tea and snacks, and a connection is made. Then, we challenge the participants to have a lasting impact; consider volunteering on a weekly basis in our free English classes, where a friendship can be deepened, and a platform to share their faith can be established. These baskets of kitchen supplies and colorful bags of school supplies are a representation of the servant heart of Christ. Our prayer is that not just our staff, but Believers just like you, can be the voice of Jesus in a family's life. You can join the mission by praying, giving, or going!


Matching Funds Opportunity

Thanks to a generous donor, the next 100 people who become monthly donors will trigger an additional $100 in matching funds per donor! This means if you give as little as $10 per month, GoTEN will receive $100 extra to further its work with refugees. Together, we can unlock up to $10,000 in matching funds!

Become a Monthly Donor